第2集 Wag the Rat
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第1集 Live and Let Spy
October 2, 1999
第2集 Wag the Rat
October 9, 1999
第3集 It's Greek to Me
October 16, 1999
第4集 Yo Ho Ho and the Phantom's a Bum
October 23, 1999
第5集 Junior High Noon
October 30, 1999
第6集 Out of Time
November 6, 1999
第7集 Career Day
November 20, 1999
第8集 Daredevil O'Toole and the Amazon Adventure
November 27, 1999
第9集 Raging Rubbish
December 4, 1999
第10集 Better Safe Than Silly
December 11, 1999
第11集 Phantomatic Voyage
December 18, 1999
第12集 All Green Thumbs
January 15, 2000
第13集 Seeing Double
January 22, 2000
Flying Rhino Junior High 第二季
Wag the Rat
It's student election time, and Billy and Ruby are both vying for the coveted title of school president. Though initially friendly, their rivalry heats up, and before you know it, the mud starts flying. When Earl's petition to include his name on the ballot is rejected, matters are complicated by the late entry of a mysterious third candidate. Buoyed by a glitzy ad campaign (compliments of his spin doctor/campaign manager, the Phantom), the third candidate (none other than Raticus in a clever disguise) shoots ahead in the polls. If Billy and Lydia are to defeat this upstart, they must clean up their acts and work together. In the end, they learn that ""no one's a winner when you don't play fair"" -- a fact confirmed by the other students who, disgusted with the dirty campaign, end up electing Fred Smertz as a write-in candidate.