第33集 Hide n' Seek
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第1集 Freefall
August 30, 1999
第2集 Plasma Bugs of Navarone
August 31, 1999
第3集 Handle with Care
September 1, 1999
第4集 Basic Training
September 3, 1999
第5集 Deep Trouble
September 22, 1999
第6集 Water, Water Everywhere
October 12, 1999
第7集 Swarm
September 30, 1999
第8集 Search & Destroy
October 21, 1999
第9集 Missing in Action
November 11, 1999
第10集 Sole Survivor
November 4, 1999
第11集 Betrayal
February 16, 2000
第12集 Stranded
September 2, 1999
第13集 Of Flesh and Steel
September 8, 1999
第14集 Captured
January 28, 2000
第15集 The Face of Truth
February 15, 2000
第16集 No Substitute
November 19, 1999
第17集 ...And Then There Were Two
December 9, 1999
第18集 Marauder
December 3, 1999
第19集 Liquid Dreams
December 17, 1999
第20集 Heart
January 3, 2000
第21集 Ice-Olation
February 8, 2000
第22集 Mixed Signals
February 15, 2000
第23集 Hot Ice
November 25, 1999
第24集 The Inside Story
January 17, 2000
第25集 The Ice Men Goeth
March 9, 2000
第26集 Metamorphosis
February 18, 2000
第27集 D-Day
February 17, 2000
第28集 The Mission
February 25, 2000
第29集 Letters Home
February 21, 2000
第30集 Checkmate
March 6, 2000
第31集 Trackers
March 28, 2000
第32集 Among Us
March 3, 2000
第33集 Hide n' Seek
March 17, 2000
第34集 Requiem
March 13, 2000
第35集 Pluto and Beyond
September 21, 1999
第36集 Funeral for a Friend
March 14, 2000
第37集 Spirits of the Departed
March 15, 2000
第38集 Propaganda Machine
January 14, 2000
第39集 Marooned
February 22, 2000
第40集 Court-Martial of Lt. Razak
April 5, 2000
Hide n' Seek
A massive bug mound has appeared outside of Buenos Aires. S.I.C.O.N. thinks the Bugs are going to assault the city again so they try to bomb the mound from the air. Plasma Tanker Bugs shot the planes down though and, because they keep changing location the air attacks are unable to neutralize them. So the Roughnecks are sent in with four other squads to locate and destroy the Tanker Bugs so the mound can be bombed to destruction. The squads dig in and hide whilst s decoy force lures the Warrior Bugs defending the Tankers away. Rico's group is almost detected by a Bug but Carl is able to mentally change its view and thus save the group. As the squads move in at night the game is given away by a trooper from another squad who launches a grenade at some Bugs. However this turns out to have a positive effect as all the Tanker Bugs start to fire all at once believing it's another aerial attack thus revealing all their positions simultaneously. The squads launch a missi