第9集 Snow Day / The Puck Stops Here
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第1集 Ice Breakers
September 10, 2001
第2集 Your So Vain
September 17, 2001
第3集 Jimmy Jamal, Super Beetle / I'm With Stupid
September 24, 2001
第4集 Saturday Night Gordy / Derek's Better Half
October 1, 2001
第5集 There Goes The Neighborhood / Open All Night
October 8, 2001
第6集 Pranks For The Memories / Space Camp
October 15, 2001
第7集 The Curse Of Baby Lulu / Funny Photos
October 22, 2001
第8集 Nonna's Lib / All My Students
October 29, 2001
第9集 Snow Day / The Puck Stops Here
November 5, 2001
第10集 Diving Miss Angela / Window Pain
November 12, 2001
第11集 Part Time Jerks / Out On A Limb
November 19, 2001
第12集 Enter The Angela / If The Shoe Fits
November 26, 2001
第13集 Dr. Ducksworthy / Speak No Evil
December 3, 2001
第14集 The Non-Non Fight / Driving Me Crazy
December 10, 2001
Angela Anaconda 第三季
Snow Day / The Puck Stops Here
Snow Day Tapwater Springs is covered in snow. Surely school will be canceled today. Just to be on the safe side, Angela performs some superstitious rituals. The radio announcer finally announces Tapwater Elementary will be closed. Angela quickly grabs her toboggan and finds her friends. They go to their favorite toboggan hill. Nanette promptly ruins their fun. Nanette's father is building a French beauty school on the property; Angela and her friends are trespassing. They find another hill. All seems well until Mrs. Brinks and her husband toboggan on by, naked! Not wanting to spend their day off with their nudist teacher, the kids find another hill. All seems well until they toboggan into leftover spaghetti. It turns out this perfect hill is located in the city dump. The kids give up. But then, in the distance, they see it: the most perfect toboggan hill ever. All seems well, until, Astronaut Bob appears. The kids are trespassing again and this time on Astronaut Bob's high security property. Will Angela's hero be happy to see her, or will he throw her in jail? The Puck Stops Here Angela has delusions of hockey grandeur. Her team -made up of Gina, Johnny and Gordy - will be playing their first game in three days. The problem is, Angela has a tendency to daydream. During one such daydream, Angela gets hit in the stomach with a puck. This puts the fear of hockey into her and she refuses to play anymore. But her friends need her to play. Angela makes them a deal. If each of them will face their worst fear, she will face hers and play hockey. Gina goes first. She's afraid of the basement. She makes her ways down the dark stairs, only to discover her mother keeps all sorts of great food down there. That's one fear gone! Johnny is next. He's afraid to tell his Nonna that she feeds him too much. With great conviction, he tells a sympathetic Nonna how he feels; she's more then happy to give him a half serving of food. Gordy is afraid of germs. Johnny lends him Uncle Nicky's toothbrush. As gross as it seems, the germs don't kill him. So, it's Angela's turn. Will fear get the best of her? Or will she fight her fear and lead her friends to a hockey victory?