第4集 Mommy Fiercest
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第1集 My Fair Mandy
July 29, 2005
第2集 One Crazy Summoner
August 5, 2005
第3集 Guess What's Coming to Dinner?
August 5, 2005
第4集 Mommy Fiercest
August 12, 2005
第5集 The Taking Tree
August 12, 2005
第6集 Reap Walking
October 7, 2005
第7集 The Loser from the Earth's Core
October 7, 2005
第8集 Ecto Cooler
October 14, 2005
第9集 The Schlubs
October 14, 2005
第10集 Prank Call of Cthulu
October 21, 2005
第11集 Billy & Mandy Save Christmas
December 2, 2005
比利曼蒂和死神的大冒险 第五季
Mommy Fiercest
Then Billy's mom, discovers crow's feet on her face, she panics and does not want to leave the bathroom. As Grim needs to use the bathroom, he uses his scythe to make Gladys a young girl again. Gladys goes to see Billy, but neither he nor Mandy nor Irwin recognize her, and instead, Billy calls her "Corn", because of the white bread she gave him. When Corn tells Billy to do his homework, Mandy tells him to go to the movie theater instead. Corn and Mandy struggle over who gets to control Billy. Billy's father plays with Grim's scythe and also becomes a child; he then goes to the movies and gets together with Gladys (Corn) again.