第10集 Good Day
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第1集 A Cry For Help
June 30, 2003
第2集 The Healer
July 1, 2003
第3集 Winter Woes
July 2, 2003
第4集 Castle of The Ancients
July 3, 2003
第5集 Castaway
July 4, 2003
第6集 Lost and Found
July 7, 2003
第7集 Choices
July 8, 2003
第8集 Invasion
July 9, 2003
第9集 The Lost Symphony
July 10, 2003
第10集 Good Day
July 11, 2003
第11集 The Sacrifice
July 14, 2003
第12集 The Bridge
July 15, 2003
第13集 Journey's End
July 16, 2003
Toad Patrol 第二季
Good Day
The toadlets are all looking forward to a good day, but they find that various circumstances are turning things bad. Medea is out and about and what's worse --- the thicksicles are beginning to melt. Furfoot and Elf Cup are trying to cross the big wet and decide to let Panther Cap sleep in. Unfortunately, he gets chased out, but then his life is saved by a new friend, a honker (goose) who's named Artemis, but goes by the name of Artie. Seemingly obsessed with the idea of saving lives, Artie decides to come along with Panther Cap to help Furfoot and Elf Cup, but makes sure to avoid his Mom, for fear she might make him eat his new friend. Meanwhile, Earth Star is in despair over the possibilty of Beauty Stem staying in the forest to become a healer. She does her best to convince him that she has to follow her heart. Finally, Oyster and Puff Ball are guarding the thicksicles that are starting to melt. They work to find a way to turn a bad situation to their advantage so that the thicksicl