第13集 Feeling Antsy
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第1集 School of Dance
September 3, 2011
第2集 Curious George Sounds Off
September 3, 2011
第3集 George Buys a Kite
September 4, 2011
第4集 Train of Light
September 4, 2011
第5集 Auctioneer George
September 5, 2011
第6集 Sock Monkey Opera
September 5, 2011
第7集 Hamster Cam
September 6, 2011
第8集 The Great Monkey Detective
September 6, 2011
第9集 George and the Giant Thumb
September 7, 2011
第10集 Shutter Monkey
September 7, 2011
第11集 Wind Symphony
February 21, 2012
第12集 George and Allie's Automated Car Wash
February 21, 2012
第13集 Feeling Antsy
February 22, 2012
第14集 Maple Monkey Madness
February 22, 2012
第15集 DJ George
April 16, 2012
第16集 Curious George Paints the Desert
April 16, 2012
第17集 No Knowing Gnocchi
April 18, 2012
第18集 Here Comes the Tide
April 18, 2012
第19集 Junky Monkey
April 20, 2012
第20集 Jumpy Warms Up
April 20, 2012
Curious George 第六季
Feeling Antsy
One morning in the city, a breakfast mishap leads to a mess of food all over the floor of the apartment. The Man leaves George to clean it up before ants come into the apartment because "Once ants come into an apartment you can never get rid of them." Sure, enough, George finds one ant, then two, then an entire army, and Hundley's quest for a clean hallway leads him into George's apartment. Now George and Hundley have to work together to find how to get rid of the ants without hurting them and stop more ants from coming. Turns out, they discover that ants are scavngers-they will constantly move to find food, no matter where it is.