第10集 Fig's Speedy Sled / Parachute Play
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第1集 Shiny Coins / Fig Finds A Shadow
April 19, 2013
第2集 Fig Flies A Kite / Missing Muffin
April 19, 2013
第3集 Beat of the Drumsticks / Springy Surprise
April 19, 2013
第4集 On a Roll! / Popcorn Picture Show
April 19, 2013
第5集 Fig Blends In! / Twirling Top
April 19, 2013
第6集 The Swimming Hole / Bucket of Mud
April 19, 2013
第7集 Loopy Straw / Tumble Leaf Parade
September 5, 2014
第8集 Icy Igloo / The Big Dig
April 19, 2013
第9集 Woohoo Kazoo! / Hide and Seek
April 19, 2013
第10集 Fig's Speedy Sled / Parachute Play
April 19, 2013
第11集 The Lost Spyglass / Fig's Breakfast Surprise
April 19, 2013
第12集 Bedtime Story / A Treasure Hunt
April 19, 2013
第13集 Merry-Gear-Round / Pushy Pulley
April 19, 2013
Tumble Leaf
Fig's Speedy Sled / Parachute Play
FIG'S SPEEDY SLED: Fig, Maple and the chicks head to Snowy Hill for a day of sledding. As everyone wants to join in the fun, it's up to Fig to figure out how they can all make their way up and down the snowy hillside together! PARACHUTE PLAY: Butternut wants to learn to fly and Fig and Hedge inspire her with a parachute that Fig's found and the help of a colorful Jellibeetle.